อ.ดร.ชนาภา หนูนาค
2021 Doctor of philosophy in Journalism and Mass Communications,
University of Kansas, USA
2012 Master of Arts (Communication Arts), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
2009 Bachelor of Art (Mass Communication) (First-class Honors), Chiang Mai
University, Thailand
ผลงานทางวิชาการ / รางวัล
Noonark, C. & Anantachart, S. (2012). Developing a Measure of Customer Engagement in
Service Brands. Journal of Communication Arts, 30(4), 1-17.
Yang, Yu, Noonark, C., & Chung, D. (2021). Do YouTubers hate Asians? An analysis of
YouTubers’ anti-Asian hatred on major U.S. news channels during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Global Media Journal Journal-German Edition. Doi:
Book and book chapter
Boonchutima, S. & Noonark, C. (2017). Crisis Communication. Bangkok: 21Century.
Noonark, C. (2019). Chapter 6 Reading and writing for communication in Soomchokchaikul,
A. (Editor). Language and communication skills. Nonthaburi: STOU.
Noonark, C. (2016). Chapter 12 Knowledge and Skill: Education, Demonstration,
Presentationand Study Tour in Soomchokchaikul, A. (Editor). Knowledge and
Skill for Communication for Community. Nonthaburi: STOU.
Pitpreecha, R. & Noonark, C. (2020). Chapter 12 Advertising Management in Worapunpong,
S. (Editor), Communication Management. Nonthaburi: STOU
Pitpreecha, R. & Noonark, C. (2015). Chapter 12 Advertising Management in Worapunpong,
S. (Editor), Communication Management (pp. 12-1 – 12-72). Nonthaburi:
Book Review
Noonark, C. (2016). Hate Speech Online [Review of the book Hate Speech Online, by
Ramasoota, P.]. Journal of Communication Arts of STOU, 6(1), 120-122.
My research interests focus on social media / online communication and its applications
and effects for adolescents, adults, and older people such as trolling and cyberbullying. Also,
I am interested in health communication, discrimination and stigma communication, family
communication among various groups, as well as journalism and the circumstances changed
media consumers.
Research Experience & funding
Noonark, C., & Anantachart, S. (2012). Measuring customer engagement in service brands.
(master’s thesis). Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Lu, Y.J., Arpavate, W., Sattyapanich, A. Noonark, C., & Prinyokul, J. (2014). Audience’s
Information Need, Media Exposure, Attitude, Uses and Gratification of China
Radio International (CRI) in Thai Version.
[* This Research had been funded by China Radio International (CRI) in
Fiscal Year 2014.
Noonark, C. & Klinmalai, P. (2014) Image Perception of Rajamangala University of
Technology Phra Nakhon. *This Research had been funded by RMUTP in
Fiscal Year 2014.
Noonark, C. (2018). Celebrities and Scandals: A Content Analysis of the Reactions of
Instagram Users to Thai Celebrities’ Scandals [Unpublished assignment
submitted for
JOUR 803]. University of Kansas.
Noonark, C. (2020). Cyberbullying Outbreak: Social Media Hostility during the COVID-19
Pandemic in Thailand [Unpublished assignment submitted for JOUR 804].
University of Kansas.
Research in Progress
State of the art of social mobilization in LGBT issues
Sharing misinformation and health literacy in Thailand (International collaborative research)
Factors Impacting COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors in Thai Adults During the Initial Phase of
Vaccination (collaborative research)
A study on the usability and willingness to continue using Chinese mobile Apps from
the perspective of Digital Silk Road: A case study of college students in
Thailand (International collaborative research).
World of Journalism (International collaborative research)
– กานต์ บุญศิริ. (2562). กลยุทธ์การใช้สื่อใหม่ในการรณรงค์หาเสียงเลือกตั้งของพรรคอนาคตใหม่ งานวิชาการระดับชาติครั้งที่ 1 ประจำปี 2562 สาขานิเทศศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช. หน้า 276-285
ประสบการณ์การสอน / ความเชี่ยวชาญ
Teaching Experience
Research Methods in Strategic Communication, Strategic Communication II: Principles of
Advertising and Public Relations, Principles and Theories of Mass Communication, Writing
for Communication, Mass Communication Aesthetics, Mass Communication Research,
Advertising and Public Relations Research, Advertising and Public relations planning,
Advertising and Public Relations Seminar, Principles of Advertising and Public Relations,
Public Relations Management, Public Relations Writing, Media Production for Public
Relations and Public Relations Strategies
Academic Service Experience
June 27-28, 2017 Group Lecturer for teenager on the topic “young reporter” held by STOU
June 19-20, 2017 Head of community service project and a lecturer for people who work for
local radio station and TV satellite station on the topic “Public Relations
message design for community” held by STOU
January 17, 2017 Assistant to lecturer in workshop on “Writing for Public Relations” held by
Institute of Public Relations
November 30, 2016 Assistant to lecturer in workshop on “Writing for Public Relations” held
by Institute of Public Relations
September 2, 2016 Public Relations Team for a Seminar on the Topic “How Communication
Arts Can Survive in this Present Age?” held by STOU
August 16-17, 2016 Visiting Lecturer for Children on the Topic “Enjoy Reading” held by
August 3-4, 2016 Visiting Lecturer for the Monks on the Topic “PR News Writing Training
Program” held by STOU
2015 Lecturer for Local Mass Media on the Topic “News Presentation with Ethic and
Responsibility” held by STOU 2015 Visiting Lecturer for the Monks on the
Topic “The Development of Radio Program Based on Buddhism Principles”
held by STOU
August14, 2013 Assistant to lecturer in workshop on “Media Watch and Risk
Communication” held by Bureau of Risk Communication and Health Behavior
Development, Department of Disease Control
March 28, 2013 Assistant to lecturer in Workshop on “Development of Organization and
Human Potential” held by Bureau of Emerging Infectious Diseases,
Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health
February 2-3, 2013 Visiting Lecturer on the topic “Basic Facebook Training Program for
Older People” held by Faculty of Mass Communication Technology, RMUTP
December 1-2, 2012 Visiting Lecturer on the Topic “Basic Computer Training Program for
Older People” held by Faculty of Mass Communication Technology, RMUTP
August 8, 2012 Assistant to Lecturer in Workshop on “Media Production for Promotion and
Transfer” held by Rice Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
May 23, 2012 Assistant to Lecturer in Workshop on “Organizational Communication” held by
The Office of Alcohol Control Committee, Department of Disease Control
2011 Assistant to Researcher in Project “the Pid Thong Lang Phra Royal Development
Administration Experience
2012 – 2013 Head of Research and Development, Research Development Committee,
Research advice team, and Research Proposal Review Committee of Faculty
of Mass Communication Technology, RMUTP
2013 – 2015 Research Ethics Committees, Research Strategy Committee of Faculty of
Mass Communication Technology, RMUTP
2015– 2017 ICT Working Group Members, STOU Journal of Communication Arts of STOU
and Publications Working Group Committee of Bachelor of Communication
Arts Program, STOU
เบอร์โทร.มือถือ (785) 864-4755
อาคารวิชาการ 3 มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช เลขที่ 9/9 หมู่ที่ 9 ตาบลบางพูด อาเภอปากเกร็ด จังหวัดนนทบุรี 11120
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